I don't know if people actually do this. Do they write blog posts for people on their birthdays? I've never done this for anyone else. But then again you are not just anyone else :)
Okay, so what I really, really want to articulate in words, but I cannot (because for some reason I am suddenly out of words) is that whatever I say in this blog post is not even half of what I really want to say.
OKAY, now that came out in a really confused manner, but whatever.
(And I know half of my readers will probably be like,
"Ramya? The famous singer who released a music video across the nation? Oh my god, lucky you! I'm a big fan!"
BUT don't worry I won't tell them where you live. I won't give them your phone number. Or your autograph. Heck, I won't even let them TRY to see you. I don't want you to feel AWKWARD about it. )
So where was I? Yeah, Ramya, I remember exactly where I met you. At the foyer in Prince George's Park Residence on this slightly sunny afternoon at the begin of Semester One.
AND I thought you were the most peaceful, saintly thing on this planet. Boy was I wrong.
By the next time I met you (and you had cracked quite a few gross, incomprehensible jokes by then. Mind you, I was innocent those days) my brain was finding it hard to digest how INSANE you were.
AND I remember Srishti (hereby known as The Horse) telling me how scared she was that we may end up not liking each other. OH, SHE HAD NO IDEA. I think we sidestepped liking each other. Because from that very moment when you woke up in the middle of the night (at 3AM remember?) just to talk to the poor blundering fool (that was me) I JUST KNEW IT. Let me put it in a very CHEESY way : I just knew that we were meant to be :').
And how do I put all the time we spent together in words? Let's see. By the end of the first month in NUS, we had successfully managed to inject enough insanity into each others' minds. But that's what friends do don't they? Driving each other nuts and all?
There was all that ridiculous amount of shopping (let's not forget the amazing bargain you got me by just being famous). Then all the dressing up before occasions and when I say occasions.... *cough*.
All the crazy photos and the videos and the rolling about on the ground during those sleepovers. With your thermal blanket and my comforter. (Damn, I miss sleepovers. I wish I didn't have so much work this year, we should have those more often AGAIN.) Except we did have one after watching Insidious and I slept like a log while you and The Horse were going hyper.
All the time we spent being hopelessly romantic while you were like too cool and all. All the time we both stumbled and you were there to lift us. All those lengthy discourses about life and love and hope and happiness. If there is one person I can credit for teaching me to be happy, it is you and you know why.
All those horror movies and romcoms and old Hindi films that we watched together. Every time we both felt insecure and unhappy, I don't remember a single time when we haven't rushed to each other to clear it out. Anytime. Even if that means leaving your bed in the middle of the night. AND I would still do that for you, over and over again, until the end of time.
AND I almost have tears of happiness in my eyes now and I'm going all 'awwww' in my head now because I just realized how precious you are to me. And I think I should send you a message right now saying "I Love You :')".
AND....you just replied.
"Love you tooo bitch".
Who needs a better half when you have a friend you can go up to and say this to anytime?
Remember, the bucket list you made? The "before you turn 20" one? I know everything there hasn't been completed. But really Ramya, you don't need it to be completed at all. You don't need a tattoo or hair dye or anything else to make your years before 20 special. You have us :) And we have you. And whatever you do or say, nothing and no one can replace you in my life.
There is one other thing I remember that cannot be forgotten. The time when we both lost someone who was close to us. Loss is a painful emotion. But there you were and once I spoke to you, loss became a different feeling. Speaking to you about something, anything gives me so much hope. You fill me with so much of positivism. I don't think there is anyone, ANYONE in this world I can speak to about these things apart from you.
Before I end this blog post I want to tell you about ALLLLLL those things I love about you.
I love your AWKWARDNESS. Because let's face it, it is unique. I don't have anyone else who goes awkward when faced with a totally non-awkward scenario.
I love the way you SMILE when you speak about something sweet that happened ( in reality or in dreams eh both) and that makes me double triple multiple times more happy than you are. I mean, you have no idea how contagious your happiness is.
I love your jokes. :P Sorry, but you are kind of a joke yourself sometimes and I can't help it if I don't know someone else who is a walking-talking joke by themselves.
I LOVE how you can make me laugh. I mean look at those noises you make sometimes. And seriously, "glam" stuff aside, I don't know anyone else you grunts when they laugh. And then you trigger my hiccups. Let's not even go there.
Dude, you should like change bodies with some one, some day and just watch yourself. You're a masterpiece.
Okay, I really can't go on and on about this 'what-I-love-about-you' thing. It will never end!
Okay, but really Ramya, the whole point of this blog post was to shout out a big
to my favorite cow/buffalo/sea cucumber friend. Bitch, you are PROBABLY wondering why I am spilling all the love only before your birthday (You JUST pointed that out on chat, wow, you read my mind o.o).
But on birthdays you realize one thing. That if this person were not in your life, there would be a big void and so many moments would be meaningless.
IF this semester was not draining the life out of me, I would write a blog post for you every single day and I know you would read everything I write. But despite all that, you know better than anyone that I am only a call away from you. It's one thing about spending time away in work and studies, but it's one thing about coming home to someone who loves you. I know you'll always be there for me.
I love you to bits. :*
Stay beautiful, stay happy, and most of all stay just the way you are.
And yes what you see below, is wholly intentional.

Lots and lots of love <3
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