So a friend of mine suggested this – why not write a
letter to your future self? It’s kind of like talking to yourself (?); except,
I’m publishing this so I’ll stick to the normal stuff. I’d rather not have you
peek inside my head.
And you should know I've done this before. But this time
I’m not a 12 year old stuffing paper down the spines of books for myself to
read a year later.
So, here goes.
Dear 31-year old Me,
The fact that you are reading this letter now can mean one
of the two things:
1. You
have a secure job, a great life and lots of time to spare so that you can read
your past blog posts.
2 2. You’re
freaking jobless and you kill time for a living. In that case I don’t know how
much ‘living’ you’re doing; I mean you’re practically dead if this happens.
Well, if you are completely content with everything around
you, that’s amazing – you've achieved everything you set out for so go find
yourself a new set of problems. And if you’re not then all I can say is – wow,
you are more consistent than ever!
However, back in 2014, you had some funny (albeit
realistic) problems. Let’s have a look at how far we have come, shall we?
wanted a good CAP (not kidding!).
Yeah, remember that stupid horror story which comprised of
a digit and a few decimal places and somehow equated to your level of academic
intelligence in college? I wonder if it changed for the better after all.
BUT, you know this thing about you; this little voice
inside of your head which keeps telling you to read more and appreciate
knowledge? You see, when you were a kid, marks didn't matter to you. It was
about knowing and learning and going to sleep everyday with the sheer satisfaction
that you now knew a little bit more about this marvelous universe. And it
should always be that way – always. Because, really – so much for grades! Right
now, at this very moment, does it even matter?
wanted to travel.
No honestly, if you've STILL not been to Tokyo and London
and Paris, I want you to bang your head on the nearest wall; then leave
whatever you’re doing, go to your room, pack your suitcases and leave! I don’t
know where you’re going to go, but really – just go. It’s now or never.
It’s a great planet and I don’t think there’s anything you
wanted more than treading the same paths chosen by your favorite people –
Tolkien, Lewis, Austen, Bronte, Dickens, Elliot, Rowling…this list can go on
and on. Remember – great men found inspiration in little things. If you want to
see the world through their eyes, read their books, perceive their inventions
and revel in their creations – go places, meet people, learn more about the
planet. So what are you even waiting for? Go, go and go again!
BUT if you've actually been to these places and you’re
laughing at this letter right now, then I want to congratulate you. This has been
the best dream you ever had. And I hope you have enough money left to plan your
next trip because you know you can never have enough of this.
wanted to write a story.
Everyone wants a story. Back in 2014, you didn't have a
story. You wanted to write but you didn't have a – let’s see, you didn't have
the right prompt. You wrote many stories – but you never wrote THE story, you
know? What Harry Potter was to Rowling, what Middle-Earth was to Tolkien, what
Romeo and Juliet was to Shakespeare. There wasn't anything like that for you!
Well, it isn't easy – but do you have a story now? If you
do, please tell me you are writing it down. If you don’t it’s completely fine,
one day you will. Don’t ever stop searching for it.
wanted a house of your own.
I’m sure EVERYONE has this dream – to build the perfect
nest. So, I hope you have a home now. Maybe you've built the library you always
wanted, and maybe you have a fireplace (even if it’s make believe) and I really
hope you have that one dog and two cats you planned on adopting. Oh, and do you
have that wall? You know you wanted to paint a wall in your house with scenes
from your favorite fictional wonder lands. Lothlorien, Hogwarts, Westeros, Never
Never land and heck who can forget – Narnia (check behind your wardrobe)! I’m
sure you have one hell of a house!
Oh, and I hope you have enough food.
Remember to keep your fridge always stocked.
wanted to fall in love.
You were never ready to “settle down” and you
know that. I mean there was still so much to do – go on a crazy road trip, dive
from a cliff (or an airplane), go to COMIC-CON (hell yeah) and get (accidentally)
married in Vegas! Of course, it would be awesome to share all this with ‘someone
There are some people who believe in the theory of “waiting”
for someone. But knowing you, you’re not going to wait and settle for just
anyone – knowing you, you’re going to find the most amazing person in this universe
for yourself and you’re going to reach out to them.
And every time you think of failed and unrequited loves,
tell yourself this - they didn't choose me, and they missed out on
1. A truckload of love and
2. One hell of a person.
3. Like, what were they even thinking?
So if you have found someone now, it must be really the One.
Pat yourself on the shoulder; you've done a good job.
most of all, you wanted world peace.
Nah, kidding. But yeah, I’m sure you had some other goals
which weren't completely personal. You wanted to start an Animal Shelter. Oh,
Anyways, you did reflect a lot on life and people and
beliefs and the Universe. I think your thoughts made you a better person, so
always keep thinking J
Now that we've come to the end of the letter, I’d just
like you to know one thing – you’re cool. You know you are and I’m not saying
this to sound ridiculously self-obsessive or whatever. And I honestly feel you
deserve to give yourself a break and for once appreciate everything around you.
Look at nature, look at your friends (and your pets) and
look at all the things you have – and I hope you’re smiling right now. And even
if the world looks terrible, you know you can brave it – because if you really
want to, this terrible world with its hurricanes of fear and misery and rage can
still conspire to make you win. It takes courage to seek out a silver lining in
the cloud. And you can do it.
So don’t worry too much. Curl up in bed, pick up a book
and put on some music – you deserve this life and much more.
Keep it up, future-self.
Lots of love,
21-year old you.