I came across one of the most beautiful songs about love. And you should know
that I don’t usually do this – but today is special somehow – and I honestly
can’t let this song go. Most of the time I write about romance skeptically, or
rather sardonically, but today I really cannot help but be impressed by Ed
Sheeran’s impeccable ability to inspire so much.
a slow paced, perfectly tuned and amazingly lyrical song, Sheeran accomplished
the impossible – he actually got me to write a blog post in the middle of the
busiest semester I’ve had in ages. So, maybe before you get started with this
post, you should listen to this song – Thinking Out Loud - Ed Sheeran.
I’ll quote
my favorite part in this song:
I'm thinking
'bout how people fall in love in mysterious ways
Maybe it's
all part of a plan
line has never resonated so perfectly inside of my head as it did today. After
all these years, after a legion of loves and hates and joys and tears, I can
say that nothing …absolutely NOTHING can define the moment you fall in love.
And of course, nothing can justify the moments that follow. And once it’s over
and done for, you never recall the person as much as you recall your happiness
when it lasted. And because we are people and we are selfish and we are
motivated, we move on and we find love again.
close your eyes and think about the sea. Yes, you read that right – think about
the sea. The vast water body which reflects the entire universe at night and
you can see the Milky Way splashed across the waves almost shimmering like a
hundred thousand candle lights. The sea reminds me of falling in love. Maybe it’s
because I spent most of my childhood in an island country, I don’t know how to
make sense of this – but perhaps the thought of looking out to the sea reminds
me of love.
I was twelve, I distinctly remember standing at the side walk next to the
Esplanade, and looking at the beautiful cityscape. The Marina Bay Sands hadn’t
even been conceived nor the Flyer. But something about the silent skyline, the
water with those glimmering ship lights, and the tall looming skyscrapers made
me feel amazing. I hoped that one day, I’d be able to stare out at the sea with
a special someone and tell them about all the thoughts which were running
through my head at that point – you know the point when you feel indescribably
infinite and yet unbelievably One with the universe.
was the beginning.
was like the sea for me, it was vast and it was reflective of a billion wishes –
so many shooting stars. I was quite the hopeless romantic back then and
somewhere deep down I still am. But love evolved into a very ethereal concept.
thought of that nameless, faceless person and I aspired to visit every place
with them. I ran on the meadows with them, I spent hours studying in a library,
I lazed in a sofa in front of a fireplace and heck, I even binge ate with them.
None of the men I decided to like (or not like) came close to this entity
inside of my head. But with every mistake in life, the vision became clearer.
was never about one-night stands or flings or anything like that. Maybe that’s
why I lose interest in people who cannot admire permanence. I get SO bored of
people who bask in the transient stages of a relationship and hop from one
person to another simply because they cannot commit. When you are so sure about
this person, then why leave them for another? Why create problems for a person
whom you “love”? But I realized that sometimes people can never be sure, and
even though I pity them for their indecisiveness, I also forgive them for it. It’s
not a sin to love after all.
want you to know one thing. When you see the person you “love”, if you can look
past them and see yourself grow old with them, they must be the one. And this
isn’t your overactive imagination speaking – this is the kind of love when you
don’t even need to be in a relationship with the person to love them. This is
the love which stays after marriage, after aging and maybe even after death. This
is the kind of love that calls out to you on your deathbed and you fight every
impulse to stay alive just for the sake of this one person.
romance can justify this love, no story has been able to portray this kind of
love and no song can play to the tune of this love. It’s a degree below a mother’s
affection, but nearly there. It’s so beautiful, it’s so extraordinary that it
moves me to tears.
when Sheeran says:
… I will
be loving you 'til we're 70
And, baby, my
heart could still fall as hard at 23
is probably trying so hard to bring out this love. He’s almost there himself,
but not quite.
I end this post, I want you to know – that I am also scared. That I am absolutely
frightened of the future as much as you all are. I think of the countable years
in my life and I think of all that I want to accomplish – I have a million
ideas inside of my head and I want to bring them out into the open and weave a
tapestry of innovations. I want to travel, I want to draw, I want to write so
much and love so much! It’s never going to be enough – and sometimes I will
freak out and grow silent. Sometimes I will love from far and fail and stand
up again, just like every single person out there. I too fear the prospect of
growing old, and dying alone. I am afraid of never making the perfect story, I’m
even more afraid of that faceless person never showing up. And I’m afraid of
myself more than anyone else.
if it were not for you, where would I be? J
I am strong now, because of the wonderful men and women in my life. The few
countable people I have grown to love and admire for their continual support. And
I know, that despite all the rotten ideas we keep making up about love to avoid
it, and after all the little problems we have faced on the way – we will never
let ourselves down again. The next time any of us fall in love, we won’t need
to tell each other – I’m assuming you will know it then. And that’s because it
will be different and it will be worth it.
I'm thinking
out loud
That maybe we
found love right where we are
I think, I honestly think we can find love right where we are.
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