Blog Hits! :D

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Memory, all alone in the Moonlight?

Check out my first post --> In my Wordpress Blog which is still awash with the neatness that exists when you first move into a new house. Please, please view this post there.

NOT SO BIG A HINT: it's about memories.

Memory, all alone in the Moonlight?

I've Migrated to Wordpress!

Hey Everyone, I've moved on to Wordpress! While I will be still posting the links here, do bear with me to view the post in the new website :)

Thank you for being such wonderful readers, and I still continue to expect your feedback even in the new blog ^-^

Here's the link: Feathers of Thought (Wordpress Version)!

See You There! :)

Friday, August 26, 2016

This is WHAT the WORLD has come to and I LOVE it.

Once again, I have noticed the millennial gap between my current post and the last, and I would like to apologize for this humongous lethargy - which to be honest, isn't exactly lethargy, more like inability due to preoccupation - but nevertheless, sorry Readers. I am back now.

(Psst, here's a tiny publicity stunt for my new Wordpress blog, and my latest ventures in writing fiction -> check this out please? :) ----> I like Turkish Wonders.)

It's a wonderful Saturday morning and of course I am probably the first one to wake up in this neighbourhood. And no, I'm not catching Pokemon, I'm just accustomed to never over-sleeping - well, if that makes me part vampire or not I'm not sure, but if it did that would be quite cool too, 

Image result for vampire meme
I felt the need to insert a Damon Salvatore meme here because you love him, I know it. 

Saturday is usually my "creative" day. Wherein, I actually do something of consequence which does not involve lying like Snorlax on my bed and watching stuff. I try to cook, or draw, or write. I do believe in doing something creative every day, but more often than not, I'm too drained out to actually materialize a valid contribution to the world of art/science/literature. That's why I usually spend the weekdays gaining more inspiration from the maestros (and feeling terrible about my life). And while most people would love to party on Fridays, I am often quite dead by then, and end up just sleeping off my fatigue or eating my weight in carbs. 

Image result for michelangelo pieta
The moment you realize MICHELANGELO did this at the age of 23 and it was his first commissioned work and you are as old as him and have accomplished as much as a potato. 

A really close friend once said that, 

I think after a certain time we reach a stage wherein we should not only consume the world's vast knowledge, but we should give back something to the world as well. And nowadays, not many of us are doing this at all. 

And by this he meant, actually creating something interesting and learning from it, well enough to leave it as a prime example for the next generation of budding artists, doctors, engineers and filmmakers etc. Pardon my limited examples of occupation, it's really just the off the top of my head and I'm sure this applies to all of us. This actually got me thinking though - am I really giving back  to the elders/society/world/universe what I actually owe them? Do I even owe them anything at all? #deep #incomingexistentialcrisis 

Granted, this often requires a certain degree of motivation from the previous generation of greats and I'm glad my Instagram is filled with more of them, along with gorgeous travel aspirations and adorable animals and .... food. There are a LOT of people who are giving back to the world in their own way and we are very much a part of it all. It's just not in the way Michelangelo or da Vinci did but that's okay because times have changed and not many of us turn out to be geniuses at the age of nineteen anymore. *sobbing* 

Have you ever wondered though - WHAT has the WORLD come to? People spend 90% (stat reference: myself) of their lives on the Internet, connecting with (not their family members but) either abstract love interests such as places, cities, destinations and role models who display their work on social media to much applause. But this has actually helped us step into another dimension of learning. I for one, have learnt of so many amazing blogs by photographers and artists and I am absolutely in love with them. Both of these were recommended to me by my best friends and you should check it out, if you haven't already -> 

1. Sezgin Yilmaz - this guy takes the most gorgeous photos I have ever seen. Check out his Instagram!
2. Gabriel Picolo - so much respect for his spectacular artwork. Check out his DeviantArt!

I think the mark of good talent is when someone's creations take you back to your childhood and make you realize those nascent, nostalgic dreams all over again. The dreams of travelling to Paris, or those evenings spent watching your favourite cartoons and/or anime, reading comics and novels. For once, I'd like to shout out a huge THANK YOU to these talented people for always inspiring me so much and making me want to create something splendid myself. 

                                            Image result for thank you cat meme

In this day and age, there are still a lot of people who spend their time with actual human beings and do normal people things like going for dinner and parties and gatherings and I'm so awed at their ability to do so when so much of our time is actually taken up by technology. In a way, I can say I'm unfortunate in my ability to network only as much as I need to. But I am also REALLY glad that I've been able to use the positive features of the Internet to extend some of my knowledge in whatever minuscule manner possible. And I encourage you to do the same!

Often times, even our closest friends are caught up in their responsibilities, career, family and relationships to give us the company we desire from them, and I feel there is no way better to while away your time than to use the huge extent of resources offered online to your advantage. I know it's easy to say but anyone can actually, literally, become a YouTube sensation overnight, or collect a thousand likes on their Art Blog, but what's important here is this act might actually inspire another kid like me, who is sitting in their room, having a serious case of writer's block. Actually it has become such that the word "inspiration" has become an absolute favourite, and I associate it with everything now - my dreams, my career, my parents , friends, (invisible) PETS and even possible romantic attachments. 

Anyway, I'd love to write more but I think this brings us to some sort of conclusion about the world in general. So as much as we would love to blame the Internet for being a monstrous damage to our social lives, I must say - This is WHAT the WORLD has come to and I LOVE it. 

Happy Saturday Everyone ^.^

                                                       Image result for wake up and be awesome

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Little Town

Note: Hi, long time. :P I have no inspiration. Let's just conform to the fact that my life is essentially very boring, with little bursts of miracles now and then, but overall quite a drag. As I write this, I take a mental vow to publish this post no matter what (my eyes keep flitting back and forth between my writing and the publish button, and it's very distracting). I will consider this to be the goal for today. 

I've watched (and read) a lot of shows (and stories) which revolve around the concept of that 'Little Town' and I am very, very fascinated by this. What do I mean by the Little Town? This is in fact a term coined by myself for the stories which take place in small towns/cities and literally the whole life of the character teeters on the periphery of this town and never, ever leaves it. At least not until they land a job/school elsewhere.

Good example(s) for this would be (to the best of my knowledge), Wuthering Heights, Heidi (to some extent), Anne of Green Gables, Little Women, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and the list goes on. All these stories take place in a small town (almost) and extend from the childhood of the protagonists to their adolescence and sometimes even beyond. There are (at the most) two or three important houses (for the sake of exposition) and a countable number of characters interacting with the hero/heroine. Of course, that has little to do with the small town. What really matters is how well you know this place.

And this, from Beauty and the Beast.

For instance, what must it feel like to walk out of your house into the streets and know that even if you were to be led blindfolded to a shadowy nook of this town, you'd still find your way back? Of course, incredibly boring for the adventurous, mysterious kind. But there's a certain degree of nostalgic beauty in walking round a corner and knowing every neighbour, every shop which sells breads and sweets, mostly because there are only that many. Of knowing that there is only one pharmacy for your occasional trifling colds, and it's exactly two meters right from the Police Station. Knowing that there is a glaringly large scarlet Post Office which can be seen from atop the tallest building in the area, the grand Railway Station. At every hour, the Church Bell tolls and the loud yet gentle sound ripples all the way to the very furthest spot in town. There's one or two confectioneries where we choose the birthday cakes from, and maybe that one bar/restaurant which everyone frequents after school ends. And talking about school, there is probably just one or two such institutions and you eventually grow up knowing all the kids around you. And in an event which is highly unlikely to happen normally, you may end up finding a childhood soul mate. 

Dorfli is the small town where Heidi takes place.

The complex with this Little Town is everyone just wants to GET OUT OF IT. It's always the center of every climax and nobody wants to be involved in that kind of nonsense. The Little Town isn't just a pretty spot for making memories, it is a symbol of freedom. Everyone who grows up there, and gets their heart broken, will want to leave. Everyone who grows up there and faces a certain degree of oppression will want to break free. The conclusion of such stories is usually quite definitive; the character either bursts into a lightning speed, or walks away gently, right out of the Little Town. Although in some cases, they stay and save their home, but that's asking too much of Tom Sawyer (who was the problem in his town) and Anne Shirley (who had ridiculously accusatory acquaintances). 

To Kill a Mockingbird

Everyone moves to the cities to pursue their dreams, leaving the Little Town behind, forgetting that the basis of all dreams are childhood loves and hopes. I know, because when I think about becoming an author, the first thing I think of is that moment back in my suburban home, when I was writing letters to my future self and hiding them within the pages of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. That's why I love that Tolkien made Frodo and Bilbo return to Hobbiton after their respective adventures, because the idea of Hobbiton and Bag's End is the idea of a Little Town. And every Little Town has its own Bagginses (and Sackville-Bagginses).  
Hobbiton *cue Concerning Hobbits*

I've spent a greater fraction of my life moving in and out of cities, and therefore, I've traded some beautiful opportunities for (perhaps) even better ones. But I've always longed for a permanence, the kind which lasts in home, friendships and family and that which is so aptly exemplified in the Little Town. And even so during childhood, when these impressions last for a lifetime. But I think we all have the ability to create this town within us, and for everyone who goes back home with a happy heart, this is indeed a quivering reality.